Wren 6 launch, non-fiction project – Writing Wk25/6 2021

Mike GristWeekly Writing Update, Writing Leave a Comment

These past 2 weeks Wren 6 launched, and I turned my attention to finally writing my non-fiction book on how I got the Wren books selling.

Wren 6 launch

The launch of Enemy of the People has been the best I’ve yet had, with nearly 500 pre-orders lining up over the last 6 months. I didn’t do anything else special to promote it, just keep on pushing the whole series at a usual daily ad spend. On that note, Amazon has book 1 in Prime Reading for 3 months and as a Kindle Monthly Deal at 99c in the US, but I’m not noticing any big spike in rank.

That’s fine, I’ll just keep on doing what I do. Book 7 is scheduled for a year off, so lots of time to build up pre-orders and for me to get it written! The goal is by the end of the year, but first I need to get my non-fic book done.


I’ve been kicking around basic drafts of this book for a year or so, waiting on the moment that I actually have authorial success to write it. Now I have the success, seems like a lot of material, and am wrestling it into some kind of logical shape. It’s a lot of stuff that defies easy categorization, bits that I did here and there in no particular order. Systematizing it is tricky.

My goal is to get this done quickly, kind of a palate cleanser between writing fiction. This is the kind of thing I could do after every fiction novel, if it goes well and I enjoy it enough. I suppose writing the book has actually sucked my energy away from writing this blog too, since it’s the same kind of thing.

I think it could be a great book. I’m very curious what fellow authors will make of it. More on this as it develops.

By this time next week

It’d be great by this time next week to have all the ideas for the non-fic book written out fully, maybe max out at 30,000 words and lots of illustrations/diagrams. Then I can focus on wrestling it into shape, which is both the fun and the challenging part. Maybe another week after that and we’ll be ready for beta reads, cover and launch.

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