The wardrobes don’t fit!!
The stairs prevented the delivery men from getting either of our two wardrobes up the stairs, round the bend, and into the bedroom, and poor old SY was at home to deal with it.
Now they are in the dining room. To return them costs £100 a piece. But, but but but, I am holding out hope they can be handled in such a way as to get them alley-up and over the banister.
I will hire men to do this work with me. It will be like 300 on those stairs. We will battle until not one of us stands!!
Francisco got back to me with new Mr. Ruins art. It is pretty awesome, probably the best yet, and definitively embraces the books vampire DNA.
I’ll show it soon. Sales 3 and page reads 4,000. It’s falling.
Here are a few more pictures of Harry Potter stuff at the studio.