Comments 4

  1. Love the site! I was ten years old when my Dad was stationed there from 66-68, and had a blast living there. The elementary school at nearby Kanto Mura was the best school I ever attended. It was safe enough for me (as a nine year-old) to ride the buses unattended between the bases day or night. Adm Wilkinson (1st CO of the Nautilus) was my Dad’s boss, and we’d go to his quarters on Sundays to watch movies. As kids, there was a constantly rotating pool of children to play with at the big park in the middle of the base with a kindergarten in the middle. We found the door unlocked one night and cycled en-masse in the door, up the stairs and down the fire escape slide until we were caught by the Air Police. Lots of great movies, “Help!”, “Planet of the Apes”, just to name a few, playing at the base theater.

    Thanks for the map too!


  2. I was stationed at Fuchu from Sept 1958 until Jan 1960. I was in base maintenance. I had 67 Japanese Nationals in the building and trades that I supervised. We pulled maintenance for every building on base. Every three months I inspected and my crew would make necessary repairs to the buildings. I came to Japan from Kadena Air Base on Okinawa. Spent a few months on Oki then to Japan. I really enjoyed my tour overseas. Wanted to stay there until my enlistment was up, my NCO didn’t see it my way. But I wouldn’t trade that tour and the four years in the U.S. Air Force for anything. Got to see part of the world that I probably would have never been able to do. If any one had more fun than I did, like to know what they done!!!!!

  3. the pictures really bring good times when I was there 1957 to 1958 in 1st comm barracks was right behind the bowling alley

  4. I was stationed at Fuchu from 64-68 with many clear memories like play tennis with Admiral Wilkerson and many other wonderful people.
    I would like to communicate with some from that era. Jim Delaney, Jim Peters, Edward Von Barravalle, and Chiseko Shimada, to name a few.

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