Since publishing my 2008 explore and photos of the abandoned US Air Force base in Fuchu, Japan, it’s been one of the most popular pages on this site. See it here. It has attracted hundreds of veteran airmen from the 50’s onwards to comment and reconnect with old friends and colleagues- some of whom at times sent me photos from the Base’s heyday to include in a heyday page.
This is that page. Thanks to 4 airmen in particular- Carl Lindberg, Cliff Cockerill, Bill Lambert, Dale Lingenfelter, and Donn Paris for taking the trouble to scan and send the photos from this most memorable time in their lives, but also thanks to everyone who got in touch with me or just commented on the main page to share their stories and memories.
Without further ado- on to the photos (comparison photos in ruin are mine).
Carl Lindberg
Photos in and around Fuchu AS, AUG65 to AUG67
“Fuchu became my first duty station, after I completed Tech School at Lowry AFB. I was assigned to the PACOM Elint Center (in the back of the base, across the street from the Hobby Shop & Education Center). I lived in the barracks close to the Airman’s Club and BX Cafeteria in the SW corner of the base. I have attached several photos of personnel and facilities from my time at Fuchu.”
Carl Lindberg, Shoreline, WA
Carl in front of the Airman’s Club
Carl & friends on the road towards Tokyo
HQ 5th Air Force, Fuchu AS
Higashi Fuchu Train Station, looking towards Tokyo
Carl hitting a foul ball across from NCO Club
Carl’s 56 Plymouth parked by my barracks
That’s a barracks at left, wholly covered in ivy.
Bill Lambert
“Have are a few photos I will share from 1961-1963.”
Bill Lambert
This was outside main gate. What was the G.I. name for the strip? Haun or hawn?
I worked on bottom floor, last window you can see on the right. 1956 Communication Group.
This is me in front of my barracks. My room was the next set of windows on left. The chow hall was directly behind us.
Overgrown shot for above.
You got to remember these girls! The Gay Little Hearts……… When they played the Airmen Club, it was packed. Do you have anything on them?
Had the right person brought them to the US, they would have made it big.
Inside Airman’s Club………Beer 10 cent & cigarettes 12 cent l-r James Burley-Jerry Palmer(The golfer Arnold’s brother) Frank Allison-James Bodiford(beer to mouth)-?-?-me – Michael Comer
Not the Airmen’s club, but one of the interior dorms in ruins now.
Dale Lingenfelter
“Here’s a couple pictures taken just out side my barracks in Fuchu, Japan…..1956, I was stationed in Fuchu from Jan 1956 to Nov 1957.
Two great years in my life!”
Dale Lingenfelter
Bicycling in front of the dormitories.
Upgrade to motorbike.
Cliff Cockerill
“I was stationed at Fuchu 3/53 – 3-56.. Worked in Tech Control in the 1956th AACS squadron.”
Cliff Cockerill
Fuchu Base entrance.
A nearby area, asphalt now covered in grass.
King Laundry just outside the gate
Looking down the strip just outside the gate
1956th AACS Communications bldg.
Communications Center for the 1956th AACS
Chow Hall for 1956th AACS
Cliff Cockerill near the station
Donn J. Paris
“Stationed at Fuchu from ’65-’67, I was surprised (shocked!) to discover what had happened to it.? Sadly, I took few pictures of the Station itself, but I have done some searching around and have rounded up some information on the Station as it was…”
Station outline with identifying index (from James Bodiford, provided by Charles Whitson.)
Aerial view of Fuchu AS, circa 1959 (from Jim Brownie)
Adjusted image from Google Earth to match layout of the aerial pic
Thanks again to everyone who posted and shared their comments and photos.
If you’d like to see more photos of the base as it is now– you can see them here.
And you can see more photos of Japanese ruins here.
Comments 285
HEY-G A N G “”””””””””””””WAS-THERE-IN-56′-57′-IN-AND-OUT-THRU-TACHIKAWA”””W O W””””
Tim: I was going thru some photos I had of Fuchu and think I may have found you and some others whose names I don’t recall. Maybe you can fill in the blanks. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to post them for all to see. I left out any where airmen were with their dates since I don’t know who was or wasn’t married at the time.
Bill, how does one post photos on this site?
Hello. I see myself in the pictures. Collie a Goober Lawless. Send comments lawlesc
Did you work with Horace TUCKER. He was stationed at Fuchu, he was my father, He retired as a CMSGt.
Hey guys. I see pictures of me Goober Lawless and John Stringer. But cannot name the other one
That is me Dennis Payne. Worked with Mr. Lawless at the p55 center. Remember him hurting his
leg in a football game and having it wrapped for a long time. I was repairman at p55 center. Now at Santee Ca. which is near San Diego. Loved Fuchu! Could not find a better base.
Yes Dennis I do remember you. Had knee surgery in Kano Mura In cast for 6 months. Now retired insurance agent in Tennessee
Tim: When one of those typhoons hit I was at Tachikawa AB waiting for an emergency leave flight back home. The storm grounded us and rather than send us home (Fuchu in my case) they bused us into Tokyo and put us up at the Tokyo Hilton with food chits and all. Kobe steak was on the menu that night. Day or two later we were back at the base for our flight to the U.S.A. Don’t recall if we flew domestic or Flying Tiger, probably the later. Either way it beat the DC6?? in which I first flew to Japan. Something like 33 hours all told with stops at Hickam and Wake. Those were the days for sure.
Joe: Just ran across your note. Fuchu holds many good memories for me. Sad to see what it has become today. Intend to plan a trip to Japan in the next two yrs. and travel down memory lane. Experiences from there aided me many times in the latter yrs. Am retired HS teacher and travel when I can. Only person I ever saw after leaving was Tanaka in Hawaii when I lived there. Great to hear from you and know that some of us are still around.
I was at Fuchu 1967-1971 with the Civil Engineer Squadron. For changing from uniform to civilian clothes i had a dorm room by the tennis court. But would eat dinner at the chow hall after work then take a train to Shinjiku 6/7 days a week for 2 years. Then I took the train back to Hagashi Fuchu station every morning and had breakfast at the chow hall before going to work at 0730.
But, I did enjoy Fuchu/Tokyo. At one point was so tired of running the clubs I nearly walked off the train platform onto the track going back to the base. At the time, a one way ticket to Shinjiku was 80 yen, two large Kirins were 160 yen, entrance to disco was 200 yen which came with a beer and then a ticket from Shinjiku back to Fuchu the next morning was 80 yen.
So, for a 1000 yen a day at 360 yen to a dollar I had $100 in savings when I left Japan. Best money I ever spent and I wish I could do that again.
My father, Ken Whitehouse was stationed at Fuchu from 68-71! I was born at Tachikawa in ‘69.
Did you work with Horace TUCKER. He was stationed at Fuchu, he was my father, He retired as a CMSGt.
Michael… Tom Garcia here… Was on your shift at DTC with Charles and crew…Oct 78-Oct 80
I was stationed at Fuchu from March 1965 thru March 1967 at HQ 5th AF. Seeing these pictures and reading the various comments brought back many memories. The airman’s club was great although I doubt any service clubs still have a stag bar! It’s hard to believe fuchu and Tachikawa no longer exist, best two years of my life. Shinjiku was always great, you never knew what was going to happen. The yen to dollar rate allowed an airmen to have experiences we wouldn’t be able to have at today’s rates. It’s good to know so many others fondly remember tjeir tour.
In the 2nd to last picture I think that is me in the middle. The guy to the left I think worked with me
in the P55 center. I was there 1967 to 1969;
Dennis. That was me on your right. V a Goober lawless
Can’t believe how many names I have forgotten in only 50 years. Happy to know many of you are still around and also have fond memories of Fuchu. Did get to go to the Olympics and watch a soccer game between Japan and ???? Rained the whole game and we didn’t have umbrellas. Some very nice school girls came down from bleachers above us and loaned us their umbrellas for the price of having their photos taken with us. That was the highlight of the game for me. Wish I could return but I think it may be too expensive and too different. Anyone remeber the off limits place called Mano’s Russian Kitchen in Akasaka Mitsuki? Think that’s right. Great piroshki and beer.
Did you work with Horace TUCKER. He was stationed at Fuchu, he was my father, He retired as a CMSGT.
I was stationed at Fuchu from March 1965 to March 1967, I served with Hq 5th air Force. seeing pictures of King Landry, the Airman’s Club as well as the front gate and the Han brought back a lot of good memories. I find it hard to believe that Fuchu and Tachikawa are both gone. I used to pal around with John Dolan and Jerry Fine. The exchange rate between dollars and yen made Shinjiku, Tokyo and the Han affordable . Our barracks was located between the chow hall, the cafeteria and the Airman’s Club. Probably the best first assignment a young airman could wish for. It’s good to know others have great memories of Fuch Air Station as I do!
I was station at Fuchu ’63-65. I agree this was great first duty assignment. I worked with a tenant organization (OSI). Our headquarters was located between the PX and the chow hall. Sorry to hear the loss of Tachi and Fuchu. RIP.
Hi Colin, during your last year at Fuchu AS, I was starting my first year there. I was a Intel Analyst with the PACOM Elint Ctr. I agree that Fuchu was a great place to begin your career. From there, I went on to the Intel Org at Offutt AFB, NB. At the end of my 4 yrs. with the USAF I went on to careers in Land Use Planning and then with Organizational Training at several companies ending with Boeing out here in WA.
Fuchu was a great place to be stationed. I worked Plan-55 from Jan ‘67 until Sep 68. The base was like a park,so neatly trimmed . I enjoyed frequent trips to Tokyo. Climbed. Mt. Fuji a friend from Louisiana who worked P-55 maint. Left Japan sent to 1876 Comm. squadron Viet Nam,left there Sept.’69. Separated from service; went home to New Orleans and received B.A. and M.Ed. from University of New Orleans, taught Jr.High math and science . That was more difficult than Viet Nam.
Served from 1966 to 1970 at Fuchu as a Tech Controller (E5). Nice part of my life! While I was there, I found a Toyota Corona 2-door hard top and installed a Ford 289 engine that I got from Camp Zama motor pool. One bottle of JD was all it took to get the 289. I built this terror at the Kanto Mura Hobby Shop…..I terrorized Koshu Kaido in the late 60’s. After discharge from the AF (May 1970), I was sponsored by Mr. Toshio Taisaku so I could remain in Japan. He owned the Hock Shop on the Han in front of Fuchu Air Base. Then I worked for AFFES (Fuchu and Yokota) and attended Sophia for a double major. Returned to Torrance, CA and helped established TRD in 1980 as the first American working for TRD. I made many friends with the TOSCO group down in Tsunashima and then kept friends with them, all the time suggesting to open a Performance Division of Toyota in USA. My dream came true when TOSCO (Mr. Ishzuka-Boucho) asked me to go to USA to open TRD! What a nice surprise…..From here go to…….you will see the rest of the story.
I was stationed there 8/67-8/69 TC on MSgt. Mulvanney’s shift.
You name “rings a bell” as you were very popular.
Jeff Sanborn “SA”
Just a note to say that having visited recently, all of the buildings were cleared away over Summer, the satelittes still remain however with the recent clearing of man well known haikyo one has to wonder how much longer they’ll be there for.
I was in Tech Control 67-70. Spent two years in main control, then transferred and was part of the crew that brought Autovon station on line. Loved the time there and had many friends- Curtis Holland, J.B. Huff, Howie Estes ( was my trainer) and many others. Especially remember the night the USS Pueblo was captured and the frantic activity that it produced. Would enjoy going back to see the base again.
Hi Linda,
What was your husbands last name? I was at Fuchu from 1966 to 1970.
Hi Linda,
What was your husbands last name? I was at Fuchu from 1966 to 1970.
Assigned to Fuchu from 1966-1968. 1956CG PAFCO Relay until Pubelo then reassigned to 5AF Command Post Comm Center. Worked in Weather Relay until I got my clearance. Never worked there, but took a Plan 55 class upon arrival. Many great memories. Bowling Alley had the best cheeseburgers/fries…. On Sunday, we would make a run to the Officer’s Club for some home made hot donuts.
I was stationed at Fuchu/1956th Comm Gp 1970-1972. Lived in the barracks directly across the street from the Bowling Alley. Worked at NMCO and Fuchu/STC. Friends with Jim Radar and Larry Grauel.
My dad, Pat Miles, was stationed at Fuchu in PEC, 1966-1970. I was born at Tachikawa in 1967 & my sister in 1969. We lived in Grant Heights. Believe it or not, I actually have memories from Japan, somewhat vague, such as standing on a huge lawn looking out a chain link fence.
I well remember being in the hospital (again, Tachikawa, I believe) for an Adenoidectomy, despite this occurring when I was only 2. I remember struggling because they were forcing a rubber cup over my face & the air inside it was burning my throat. A woman dressed in green told me: “Hush! This is is a hospital & there are sick people here!” I thought to myself “I AM a sick person, here!” … and everything faded away.
My parents loved everything about Japan. To this day, if my dad makes the stuffing for Thanksgiving, he puts roasted Chestnuts in it. He has a Mt. Fuji stick. I remember my parents laughing about how the earthquakes always seemed to happen during my bath time & they would have to scoop me up out of the kitchen sink to run outside. I will try to post some photos later, my dad took hundreds of pictures while they were there.
I was stationed at PEC from 1967-69. Your Father was in the Air Force? An officer I believe. I was in the Navy. I was in administration. If my memory is correct, your Dad drove an old Volvo.
I moved from HQ 5th Air Force from Moriyama at Nagoya sometime in early 1957. Rotated back to the states in November that year. Lived across the street from the bowling alley. Played on the base football team with Frank Hughlet, George Rice, Bob Mclendon. We had a great team and finished 9-1. Only loss was to Johnson AFB. Played for Nagoya the year before. We were 9-1 there and defeated Fuchu (FEAF). Only loss that year (1956) was to Johnson. Walt Hynoski and a guy named Small were great players at Johnson. There were a lot of great former college players playing base football at that time. Went on to become a high school teacher and coach in Pennsylvania. Loved everything about Japan.
Hi Bob,
My dad, Sturl “Dean” Cooper, was there at the HQ 5tTH Air Force around 1956-1960. Does his name ring a bell with you?
Donna Lee Cooper-Garcia
(also on Facebook under same name)
April 8th, 2019
John McCain
Hello “Bob” Lagerman. My name is John McCain, and I was stationed at Fuchu part of 1956 until December of 1957.
Spent about seven months in Tokyo with FEAF Hq. then transferred to 1st Comm. Sqdn at Fuchu. I know a guy by the name of Ray Brady, who was teletype maintenance, and knew Frank Hughlet very well, and possibly the other guys you mentioned. Anyway just wanted to say hello to an Air Force brother, who probably liked and misses Japan as much as I do.
I also was at Moriyama in 1957 and then we moved to Fuchu and I was in telltype as an operator our barracks was right behind the bowling alley, The duty was great and met a lot of fellows. thj is was the first time I was ever out of the country. Raised in Pa about 30 miles from Penn State. Fuchu was like home away from home. I have talked by computer with a couple from Fuchu the same time I was there, If I had to do it over again I would. Keep in touch and stay SAFE…JIM FENTON
I moved from Tokyo in 1956 (FEAF HQ.) 16th Comm. Sqdn. to Fuchu assigned to the 1St Comm. Sqdn.
Ray Brady was a tty repairman with whom I am still in contact. Frank Huglett, was a good quarterback. Rotated to the ZI in Dec. 1957. Went to Osan AB South Korea in May of 1958, where Chuck Norris was a Air Policeman, who walked the fence with a K-9. I think he studied chong do kwan on base. Did alright for himself.
Anyone recall an officer named Jack Nave
Hi, I googled Gay Little Hearts and your site came up. I was stationed at Itazuke AFB 61-63 and they played in our Airmans club..They brought the house down.Just great. Can I share your photo of them in our Itazuke face book site ?
Hey Luckey Dodge:
Remember me Clarence “Clancy” Lambrecht?
I was a Tech. Controller at Fuchu from Aug. 66 to Aug. 68.
I do remember you being a gear head, glad to hear that it paid off for you.
I have some pic’s of tech control that I would like to post here but can not
figure out how to do it. They are pic’s that I would guess that 99% of the people
stationed at Fuchu have never seen.
Hello Clancy, Nice to see your reply……..I guess I was a gear head and still am! Sure would like to see some of your pix…….I am in Punta Gorda Florida now, but soon to move to Huntsville Alabama in 2 weeks. That is rocker City and can not wait to move. Just bought a 3-Car Garage house for all my goodies. Please call or write-1-310-330-6100……My cell. I make hoses for Isuzu and other engine manufacturers.. Yes, still a gear head.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Luckey Dodge
Hi Clancy,
Sure would like to contact you. You can contact me thru my web site, hosetechniques……..There is a link there.
Hi Clancy,
Sure would like to contact you. You can contact me thru my web site, hose techniques……..There is a link there.
Does anyone know of Charles Kato or Jerry Malonado who was stationed at Fuchu 1962 to 1964? Charlie was from Ft. Pierce,Fl. and Jerry was from Tennessee. They worked in the communications department in the headquarters bldg.
Luckey Dodge,
This is Skip Miler.
I was there same time you were, worked in basecomm. Actually helped you a couple of times when you put the 289 in the Corona. Remember cutting the back end off a Corona 4 door to weld onto the hardtop in the Kantomura hobby shop and shortening the rear axles. I drove a little Toyota Public pickup truck which had been an orange and grey Hitachi service truck I bought from the junkyard near front gate. Then I painted it yellow, put on dual carbs from the S800 and installed Triumph TR3 buckets seats I got from that British guy, Pete Bellamy I think. He’d turned the TR into a race car with a 327 engine. Before the Publica I had a big red 56 Buick convertible.
Got assigned to Thailand after Fuchu. Went to Tokyo a couple of times in 70s to teach English. Then from 1980 lived in Japan continually for next 20 years. Still in daily communication with many of the guys, we even visit occasionally, especially the guys that played in the Gallant Offering band. Would love to hear from you.
Hi Skip. I tried posting a reply to you earlier but it did not post for some reason. I remember riding back from Somewhere (Shinjiku?) with you in your bug with John Kennedy and some others, after a night out. How you managed to navigate through the traffic and interpret the Japanese road signs was impressive. You mentioned you have been in contact with some of the guys from the band. Could you send me their information so I can give them a shout. Also, have you heard from any of the other guys like Wooten, or Kelly, Kennedy etc…my email address is: Have a safe and Happy New Year!
I was there in 1957 and 1958 and I was in the 1 st comm squadron. The duty was great and I would do it again if I had to and last year we went back to see how much it has changed. Wow. The trip was great. This webb site is great and maybe someone from out unit will call in if there are any of us left. Thanks for the info…
Hey James Fenton, my name is John McCain. I was in the 1st Comm. Sqdn. in 1956-1957. Sgt. Pennington was my shift supervisor in the Comm. Center. Capt. Wilder was the OIC, and M/sgt Riggleman was the 1Sgt. Ray Brady, is a friend of mine, teletype maintenance, and I still stay in touch with him. Good to know some of us are still hanging on. Oh yeah, Maj. Vincent Marinelli was the Sqdn. Commander…
I started of in moriama then moved to Fuchu this was in 1957 and 1958 and was with the 1st communications under 5th air force. The duty was great and a lot of fun. We went back last March 2017 and it has really changed after 50 years or better wow. Thanks for this web site and if anyone was there when I was please keep in touch..Jim Fenton
Hi James,
Did you know an airman by the name of Sturl “Dean” Cooper? He was at the HQ 5th Air Force 1956-1960 approx..
Donna Lee Cooper-Garcia(also on Facebook under this name)
I received the message the Pueblo was capture in 5th AF Command Center. Just happened to be on duty that night.
I loved my years at fuchu , we moved from downtown Tokyo in 1955 I spent the next four years at fuchu ,l loved the airman,s club and lifting weights at the base gym , i visited fuchu on 1981 ,the gate was locked so I could not go inside .best years of my life .
My Dad (and family) were stationed at Yakota ’66 to ’69. Though he also did trainings at Fuchu and Tachikawa as well. He was in charge of air traffic control in Yakota…received an award from the Japanese diet for having no accidents during his tenure. Major F.W. “Buzz” Helsper Jr. My memory as a child is standing by the chain link fence near the runway and waving at the wounded service men being flown in from Vietnam.
I currently live in Tokyo. Fuchu Air Base is gone, Tachikawa was changed into a beautiful public park (Showa Koen)…HUGE!!! Part of it is still used by Japan Defence Force for training.
Hi Lisa. Fuchu did not have an air field. There was a chopper pad between the Airman’s club and the gate. I was there 4 years and it was not used much.. One night when I left the club talking to the train station I saw a motor cycle rider run into the cable neck high that went around the chopper pad.
This Jim Fenton from Pa.I was stationed at fuch fromFeb 1957 to Aug 1958 was with the 1st comm sq. The duty was great and and so was the free time We worked 3 mids 3 nights and 3 days and the rest of the time was yours. We li vede ther barracks right behind the bowling alley. If I had to do it over again I would I enjoyed that much. If any else is from the 1st coimm please get touck with me if there any of us left….Jim
This Jim Fenton from Pa.I was stationed at fuch fromFeb 1957 to Aug 1958 was with the 1st comm sq. The duty was great and and so was the free time We worked 3 mids 3 nights and 3 days and the rest of the time was yours. We li vede ther barracks right behind the bowling alley. If I had to do it over again I would I enjoyed that much. If any else is from the 1st coimm please get touck with me if there any of us left….Jim
Great stories of yester year. I was stationed at Fuchu from 64-65. I worked in systems control an analysis under sgt. Cantler our office was located nrxt to the JSDF housing. Arnald Palmers brothdr and I used to play gplf on the General’s putting green. any way l much more to say,but out of time for now.
I was at Fuchu AS 1968 – 1970. Worked P-55 relay and command center. Sam Torres, Cooter Waller, Jay Masterson, John Harvey, Joey Lopez are only a few of airman I remember and of course “Bar-Zero”
Hey Larry. I remember you in P55. My name is CA Goober Lawless. I worked in P55 maintenance from 1967-1970. From Tennessee
That is me Dennis Payne. Worked with Mr. Lawless at the p55 center. Remember him hurting his
leg in a football game and having it wrapped for a long time. I was repairman at p55 center. Now at Santee Ca. which is near San Diego. Loved Fuchu! Could not find a better base.
Bill Goodhue here. Larry I was stationed at Fuchu from 67-69 and was a member of the Gallant Offering, and knew many of the guys you mentioned. Kooter was a real hoot! Joey Lopez thumbed across the country when discharged, and stayed with me for several days as he passed through Mass. When I think of Jay, I remember the night he had a disagreement with three of the locals,who were out celebrating on thehaun and Jay went outside with all three. Jay walked back in, but the others didn’t. I saw a post from Skip Miller on this site, who mentioned he still communicates with some members of the band. Skip if read this post please drop me line.
Hi Mr. Hampton,
Did you happen to know an airmen there approx. 1956-60 named Sturl Dean Cooper? He dated a local lady named Itsuko Yamamoto. Probably spent a fair amount of time at the airmen’s club. He loved to dance. He worked in the office and also as an interpreter.
Donna Cooper Garcia
Dennis the person to your right is me Collie A Lawless nickname Goober. I worked in P-55 maintenance from 1967-1970. Sgt Mcdonald was in charge of maintenance shop and I worked for Sgt Darley. Give me a shout at lawlesc
My father, Ken Whitehouse was stationed at Fuchu from 67-71. Anyone remember him? I was born at Tachikawa in ‘69.
I was at Fuchu AS from 1963 to 1967. Enjoyed that tour the MOST of any in my 24 year Air Force career. Worked in the 5th AF Combat Ops Center on 3rd floor of HQ Building. The House Rockers rocked the Airman’s club every Sunday night. Went back on TDY in 1972 and again in 1980. Just not the same anymore but I’ll always have the good memories of my time at Fuchu.
I was in Japan from 70 to 71 at a small site trying to find anyone else that was there about that time I don’t know the name of the place but the sign at the gate said US AIR FORCE
6112 A B SQ OLC-C any info on this site?
I was stationed in Japan from 1970 to October 71. I am trying to get some information on the site that I was at.The sign inside the site said
1956 comm GP OLB
6112 A B SQ OLA -C
Does anyone have any information about it?
Don’t know if this page is still active. I have a money clip with the logo of a plunger with wings tipped with a light bulb. It says 6000th Installation SQD Fuchu Japan 1959. This is page seems to have people that were at the base during the period of the money clip. Can anyone tell me about the 6000th Installation SQD? I can’t find anything on the internet relating the name and the logo. Thank you
I was stationed with 5AF 1965 – 1967 I believe we were attach to 6000 air base sq for billeting etc.
I was stationed with 5AF 1965 – 1967 I believe we were attach to 6000 air base sq for billeting etc.
Hello Mr. Grist,
My name is Bill Fisher, I was stationed at Fuchu Air Station from 1956 until 1958 with the 1956th Communications Squadron. I was stationed with George Shimatsu who has since passed away but was a really great friend. We worked in the Aeronautical Station relaying flight information. I wanted to attach a picture of the Fuchu Theatre with George standing in front of it but it site won’t let me. I lived close the the chow hall and the bowling alley and had one fantastic time at Fuchu. Glad to see that everyone else had the same.
I am a Japanese of 72 now. I still have fond memories of Fuchu because my American dad was there(his wife Bertha, and son Bobby, is my friend). His name is Robert G Joregensen, and he was Navy sergeant, worked together with Air men as a member of USAF signal corps, I guess so. Their house was the Green Park, located upper to North of Fuchu or Chofu kantou-mura housing area. Before he stationed Fuchu was Yokosuka, they lived in Yokohama then.
He must be over 85yo by now. He was really kind to me, I’ve been missing him for real long time. Any one who knows about him at that time in Fuchu. I would be so happy to hear from someone of you.
Thank you and excuse my poor English.
I’m a Japanese of 72. Anyone of you who remembers a Navy sergeant, named Robert Joregensen, stationed 1964-1966 at Fuchu, worked together with Air men as a member of USAF signal corps. He lived at the Green Park, upper north of FuChu or Kantomura.
I would be happy that if anyone there to remember him.
Thank you and excuse my poor English.
This is Bill Fisher 1956th AACS. I only remember Mr. Bova as his abbreviations AFB which I believe was Anthony Francis Bova.
I was in Japan from Feb 1957 to Aug 1958 under 1st comm. My barricks was next to the bowling alley. The duty was great and made a lot of friends. In fact I went back about 3years ago and boy has it changed. Fron shacks to tall buildings. When I first got to Japan in 1957 we were stationed at moriyama anf took the bus to the the Yamata building in down town Nagoya the moved to Fuchu. Again great great duty. Please keep in touch…Jim
Hi Jim, still hanging around. Living in Orange County in California 7 miles from Disneyland.
I was stationed as a crypto tech in the 1956th Comm Group from 1965 to 1967 with a short temporary tour to Hawaii for two months. I use to love the toncuts (fried pork filets) in the eatery on the strip. I had a good Japanese friend Koichi Sato who worked in the Base Exchange. We use to pal out and visit all his relatives who owned restaurants and bars outside of Fuchu where we’d eat and get drunk for free. I had a 1948 Buick that he bought from another GI for $200 but registered it in my name to avoid import duties. I made him my chauffeur and gave him an affidavit stating that so he could drive it without me. For the first year we had mamasans who for a few bucks would clean the barracks and shine your boots. Then a new first shirt came in and stopped it and made us clean everything. Needless to say he wasn’t very popular. But those were still pretty good days. I have some pictures somewheres. How do you post them?