Ruins of the USAF base Camp Drake in Japan

Mike GristHaikyo, Military Installations, Saitama 493 Comments

Camp Drake was a joint US Army/Air Force base in Saitama, active until the 1970`s. It contained a hospital which handled troops coming out of Vietnam and also a communications array. Now about half of it remains, an overgrown jungle with only a few remaining buildings set back behind several layers of fencing. The other half has been eaten up by parks and a junior high school.

Tanks in a shed by the commissary.

Camp Drake was one of my last haikyo to explore with Mike before he left for Canada last month. Compared to other US bases around Tokyo- those in Fuchu and Tachikawa, there wasn`t a lot to see, though of course we couldn`t know that until we ventured in. Access seemed harder than either of the other bases, but as ever there were weak spots. Once in though we had to climb one more fence, and actually crawl through a tiny hole cut into a third fence to get close to a building.

I don`t know why security was so tight, as there was very little to see. The main building remaining seems to have been a mess hall / commissary, and its now flooded, so we couldn`t explore inside. There were chairs and desks lying around in the jungle.

Mike got a bit bored/wary and decided to high-tail it, so I ventured forth and looked into one more building, kind of an industrial room- probably gas and/or hot water heaters. I know now there was another building deeper in with more industrial stuff, but we were on a schedule (headed for the Gan Kutsu cliff face hotel) so I didn`t take the time.

You can see more about Camp Drake on these sites-

About the 249th hospital.

About the barracks.

One man`s experience of it.

Guardpost after the second fence, before the third.

Guardhouse int.

Defunct moped.

Expired desk.

Do Not Enter – vault-like entrance to the mess hall / commissary.

Interior of what I think is commissary (because of COMM on the wall, yes- please correct me if wrong).

Some big troughs.


Lonely forest chair.

Back entrance.


Warehouse space.

Big forest flue.

Hole we crawled through.

Machine shed.

Tanks that remind me of Anakin`s racing pod.

Some HDR-ed engine.

Tanks BW.

See a curation of world ruins in the ruins gallery.

See my collection of Japanese ruins (haikyo) in the galleries:

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Comments 493

  1. David I was in the 1967 comm sq and worked in the little pentagon from April 1970 to May of 1972.i worked in radio relay along with Microwave and Tech Control sections. The hospital was at North Camp drake and the radio station FEN was located at South Drake. If you were a listener, the main station ID was… “broadcasting from the heart of the world’s largest city, you’re listening to FEN the fa r east network, eight ten on your dail , Tokyo!” played some damn great music too.

    1. Danny, I was at camp drake 1968 till 1972 at UPS in the Switching center my name is Tim Burke. Lived at Grant Heights. Loved it there. Give me a reply at tjaburke48@yahoo. com

      1. Tim,
        I was at Camp Frake 1970-1972, stationed at communication center. Shift work at first then days doing CIM reports.

        Last few months lived in Hreen Park since wife was pregnant.

        Great experience.

      2. My my name is Barbara. My dad was stationed at Haneda 1952 – 1955. We lived at the Kahene Hotel before moving to Grant Heights. While at the hotel we spent alot of time at Camp Drake going to movies, taking swim lessons, the dispensary was there, so many things! It was great being a kid in Japan. Wow, it is hard to see that life disappearing but my memories shall remain.

        1. Barbra, My Father an Army Veteran from the Korean War – Took liberty in Japan and visited Camp Drake in March of 53. He just died of COVID at the age of 91 in February of 2022. I am flipping through the b&w pics from his scrap book of his R n R Trip there and they are amazing photos of a really cool time he spent there! Go Army – From his youngest Son KJ comments posted 20 Feb 2022 – I am the USAF 465 L Nuclear Weapons System Engineer for Offutt AFB.!

        1. I was at NCD ’65-’67 & worked shifts in the Com Ctr as a 72B. (Tape ape)
          Lived across from the snack bar and theater. Our barracks consisted of living quarters 2nd & 3rd floor, orderly room, mail room and mess hall on the 1st floor.

    2. Hi . My father was there at camp drake , 1945-46. 1st cavalry division, 271st Field Artillery Battalion , HHB. S2-S3 sections ,Intelligence NCO. The pictures I have seen are much different , but I respect your service . God bless .

    3. Danny, been looking for you for a while, would love to communicate and catch-up
      Was station at Camp Drake from January 71-73, with the 1967 comm Sq, worked in Power Pro (Suppling power to the comm center)

    4. Mike, I was browsing your site and came across two names of old military friends that I had at Camp Drake 1971-73. Tim Burke who included an email address (which I have already emailed him). And the other was Danny Davis. Danny and I were room mates and friends, I saw him once after we both got out of the AF, when he passing through Pittsburgh PA (where I lived at the time). Then we lost track of each other. We were both in the 1967 Comm Sq, but I was a back office person that supplied power to the comm center. Anyway, if you could provide me his email or send my email to him, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Thanks so much for the updated pictures, amazing how things change. Highest Regards George Slentz,

    5. I was in the 1967th in 1967-1969 in the teletype room mostly. I remember my first earthquake sitting in the little cafeteria room outside the comm center. I thought someone behind me was shaking my chair.
      I got the first perfect score on the SKT and ended up teaching the other GIs. I have a trophy with the squadron number on it and the Torii gate. My prized possession!
      A great experience all around. Wonderful people!!


    6. Hi Danny! Just noticed this. Remember Dan (Pete) Petersen, roomed with those stoners Kevin (Cabbage) Koutnik and (deceased)Jim Carlsen, next door to David (Seal) Verbick. Don’t know how I survived two years of those guys, LOL! Glad to hear you’re still kickin. Still doin a “Brown Sugar” cover? Gone to any good Namekuji (slug) races lately? My email is and on FB and Messenger. See George S. commented too. Love to catch up/reminisce. ??

      1. Dan, I sent you an email. I was in the barracks and friends with “Seal” and “Cabbage”. I worked Tech Control. Made Gyosa runs after the brass left for the day! Those were the days! Email back to me at

        Bob “Roger Rabbit” Roska

    7. I too was assigned to the 1967 Comm. Sqd. from 1966 to 1969.

      I was a Radio Equipment Repairman (304X0).

      Wonder what happened to the girls at the “Corner Bar”? ?

      1. Ken Hobbs,
        Trying to remember you, because I was a 304X0 in the 1967th Comm Squadron (AFCC) in 1967. They asked for volunteers from Radio Relay to go back state-side in radar with Strategic Air Command (SAC). Yes, down those shiny floors in the CRC hall through the heavy metal security doors, then pass the main distribution (MDF) doors on the right, then to a dead-end “T” in the hallway. TRC-24’s and FRC-35(?) microwave in big room to the left, with some TTY carrier channel banks to the right, and tropospheric scatter at the far left corner operated by Japanese Nationals. I was trained as a back-up for the tropo equipment. Tech control and TTY maintenance folk were down on the other end, with more of our carrier channel stuff.
        Our shop supv was once this big guy named MSgt Johnson, I think.
        Man, it’s just like being there again!!!
        I did radar with SAC a while, got discharged in Nebraska, went back to 304X0 in SC Air National Guard Rapid Deployment Combat Communications for about 10 years or so.
        Reply back if you are who I think you are.
        Have tried to find my good friend Matthew McMillan from TTY maintenance when I was at Camp Drake in 1967, but no contact yet.
        Take care, Emanuel B

      2. Fond memories of Hobbs and Brunson (NMI – I still remember!) and others in the 1967 Comm Squadron 1966-1969. Great experience and a helluva lot of good times in Tokyo – I have awesome + vivid memories of my three years there. MSGT. Willie B. Johnson was an awesome NCOIC. I still tell stories of working on vacuum tube equipment and bouncing radio waves across the Pacific to Kashiwa and Owada a loooong time before we had a cell phone in our pockets to do all of that. Today I am saddened when I remember all the GIs who got shot up in Viet Nam and sent to the Field Hospital at North Camp Drake.

    8. I too was assigned to the 1967 Comm. Sqd. from 1966 to 1969.

      I was a Radio Equipment Repairman (304X0).

      Wonder what happened to the girls at the “Corner Bar”? ?

    9. You got there not long after I left. I was a 306 in the comm center from Jan 1968-70. I loved Asaka, Ikebukuro, and the rest of the Tokyo metro area, and I am still in love with Japan 55 years later.

  2. I was a medic at the 249th from june 1968 to jan 1970; had a great time in Japan while not working at the hospital……..

    1. Hello George. Just want to say hi and let you know that I remember you clearly. I just saw your post from last June. I wonder, if we passed on the street, would we recognize each other. How are you? Where do you live and how has life treated you since Camp Drake? If you can’t remember who I am, I was a corpsman in the ICU from 6/68 to early 1970. Just shy of 2 years. A mutual friend was Jack O’Keefe. I remember the trip we made to southern Honshu. I hope this reaches you and finds you healthy and happy. Sincerely, Virgil Olivas

    2. Hello George. Just want to say hi and let you know that I remember you clearly. I just saw your post from last June. I wonder, if we passed on the street, would we recognize each other. How are you? Where do you live and how has life treated you since Camp Drake? If you can’t remember who I am, I was a corpsman in the ICU from 6/68 to early 1970. Just shy of 2 years. A mutual friend was Jack O’Keefe. I remember the trip we made to southern Honshu. I hope this reaches you and finds you healthy and happy. Sincerely, Virgil Olivas

    3. I was medivaced from VN to the 249th on the 29-30th of June 1969. Gunshot wound in my left side, rupturing my spleen, broke all ribs on left side, and puncture my left lung. Medical care was excellent! Saw a lot of soldiers in real bad shape and several pass away from injuries while there. Watch the moon landing on tv while I was there. I was there for 6 weeks and then sent to Korea for remaining time.
      Freddy Odom

      1. I was a little girl living on Camp Drake during the moon landing and my father was a surgeon at the 249th hospital there.His time there impacted him greatly as he saw so many terrible injuries and he became an advocate for wounded warriors.I stumbled across this as I was working up a lesson plan to do for my grandchildren while they are home from school during the corona quarantine which probably is nothing compared to the Vietnam war.

    4. after 5 months in Camp
      Drake; my two years as a medic was over.
      the first year and a half; Fort Lewis Wa. The upstairs room was large; with 70 cots. I worked in an office doing the morning report. I was to return home to
      Los Angeles by ship; but as there was several of us being discharged, we flew
      home. I went back in 80’s for six months
      teaching basic English for Time Life in business offices located in Tokyo. I never felt personal safety so well; day or night.

  3. I was at Camp Drake from 1966-1969 in Communications (ASA). I believe the bunker picture is the commo bunker. Though it has been along time, might be wrong. Good memories and friends.
    Joe Woods 72B20, Trick C

        1. Paul,
          You worked in the Terminal Section. I was the Terminal NCOIC during that time. Have you had any more trouble with your upper arm? Have you ever heard from Tommy Lang?

          1. Greg,
            I also played on the Post Softball team.
            I can send you a photo to your email.
            I was ASA 72B worked in the Com Ctr
            With Al Woodall crypto repair, who I just got a birthday card from today.(May 19th)
            I can type faster on a key board then my cell phone. Lol

    1. JOE
      I was also at Drake from July 66-68 72B Comm center C trick SFC Stinson great duty do you remember
      Bob Marlow, Michael Martinson, Steve Wagner Bob Dearly
      Hope all is well

    2. Joe Woods, I do remember your name. I was at Camp Drake (ASA) from 1966-1968 as a TTY repairman. (31J20) or (341). I am fairly sure I was also on Trick C for most of my tour there. I was on the PM Team for a short time after arrival. Also, good memories and friends.

      1. Jim I was an AN/FGC-25 Kleinschmith teletype series repairman from Oct 1963 to Jan 1967. I worked the graveyard shift.

        I was soldier of the month and my picture was in the orderly room hall for a year.

        I used to party with Rodger Glubka,he was a tape ape.

        I can still hear the piped music in the comm center – Ugh !

        What every happened to Bennie Brown?

        Remember the Hummin Mummy in Asaka Machi short time alley?

        I hated “..31J to ZVA..”

  4. I was stationed at the Owada RTTY receiver site that was collocated with US Army Dog company of the Signal unit located at Camp Drake. I was there from Oct, 1953-Oct, 1955. I maintained the Microwave repeater at Owada. There were about 28 AF and around 90 Army.
    Charles Spada

  5. I was in Camp Drake from 1968 to 1970. Radio-relay repairman. Slept in the old barracks, during seismic the bunk beds danced across the room.

  6. I was stationed at Camp Drake from about June of 1955 until August 1957. I was billeted with Hq & Hq Btry. First with the IX Corps Artillery then with 1st Cav. Div. Arty. I was in the IX Corps and then the 1st Cav Div Artillery Drum and Bugle Corps. To be terribly honest, I couldn’t recognize any thing of the photos except the possibility of the old guard shack.

    1. In late 1955 I was assigned to Hq Btry of IX CORPS ARTILLERY at Cp Drake, then transferred to the 268 Field Artillery Battalion (then First Cavalry), which was a GYROSCOPE unit, scheduled to swap places with another FA Battalion in Texas. I returned to CONUS in May 1956 and closed my active duty.
      Prior to Drake, I was with the 92d Armored Field Artillery Battalion at Camp Omiya, Japan, located several miles north of Drake. Omiya had housed Graves Registration units during the Korean War.
      Military memories 65+ years ago!

  7. Stationed at Camp Drake 1971-1972; arrived just after hospital shut down.
    72B20 / Burkhalter and McCaughey were NCOs, Burkhalter promoted to WO while I was there, don’t remember their first names.
    Was one of the last ASA to leave when they shut down CUJ and the AF switch took over the circuits.
    Lots of memories.

    1. So what trick were you, Dean?
      I was there from July 1970, through July 72! I was on Delta trick, and certainly remember McGuey! I guess you would go to the corner bar! Was Sally there at that time? I had a nervous break down, and was at the Tachikawa psych ward for a month! Just too much hard, drinking Johnny Walker, Black, being the favorite. I had a Honda 450 that I would get around on, mostly getting lost in Tokyo, and trying to find my way back to base! Never a dull moment!

    2. So, were you on Delta trick, Dean? McGuhwey gave me an article 15, for being drunk on duty! I deserved it, but I refuse to sign it, because everyone else urged me not to sign it! I somehow escaped a court marshal hearing, partly, because I think my girlfriend, Mini, Had connections with the prosecuting offices! I went by my first name “Lester” At that time! Kevin Corman was my main drinking, buddy, while Monty Miller, and rowdy Rod Kirk harassed me continually! I had a nervous breakdown, and was in the psych ward at Tachikawa for about three weeks! Does any of this ring a bell?

  8. First off, Mike, thank you so much for the pics and your thoughts–it’s fun to see what it’s like at Drake today!

    I was assigned to Camp Drake from March, 76 – March 79. In those days Drake was pretty much completely shut down, so those assigned there were actually stationed at Yokota AB, about 20 kilometers away. The only missions there at that time were Armed Forces Radio and Television Service – Far East Network (FEN) Radio and the Bakery that served the commissaries and mess halls of local bases on South Camp Drake and the 1956 Comm Group’s AUTODIN switch (communications hub for all secure communications in the Far East) on North Camp Drake. The Switch complex included the main comms building (bunker-like building which you surmised was a commissary or mess hall) the UPS building that kept it going for 15 minutes (just long enough to shut it all down) when it lost public power and a couple of rooms that served as non-secure tech control in the old “pentagon” building across the street. Aside from these, everything else at Drake had already been closed down and had started to get overgrown in many places. Those of us who where assigned there were asked to wear civies to and from duty so as not to draw attention to ourselves as we took the 20 kilo trip through the Tokyo suburbs each day. Funny thing was, those who didn’t drive themselves took a big blue American-style Air Force school bus to and from–not that that would attract any attention!

    The reason for high security in that area (4 separate fences each with it’s own cypher-locked gate) was because of what the main comms building contained and what its mission was. Functionally, all SECURE military communications for the Far East was routed through that facility. About half the building was the “computer” that did the routing and a small tech control operation. The other half of the building (behind yet another layer of physical security) contained somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 KW-26 ( ) and KG-13 ( ) Cryptographic (encryption/decryption) systems–one set for each communication line. (notice the raised floor in the pic of the flooded building above. There was as much wire below that floor as there were machines above it!) The KW-26’s were pretty old-school–even at that time–as they were developed in the 1950’s and were extremely high voltage vacuum tube and core driven machines–transmitting at 75 (yes, seventy-five) baud! They threw off a tremendous amount of heat. The KG-13’s on the other hand where state-of-the-art… They used transistors of all things and transmitted at a blazing (for its day) 9600 baud. So that all this equipment ran properly, the Crypto room was kept at 57 degrees at all times. One of the buildings shown above contained the air conditioning systems that pumped so much cold air into that super-sealed building that its internal air pressure was about twice that of the outside. This necessitated the main entry/exit to the building be a double pressure door airlock system. If both doors were accidentally opened at the same time, rapid decompression–similar to what happens when an airliner blows a window–would occur. I spent my three years there in that crypto room, serving as an Electronic Communications and Cryptographic Equipment Systems Technician–AFCS 306X0. Most fun I’ve ever had at work, my entire career!

    1. I’m Al Harmon and was there From Jan 1971 until we were “early out” in April 1972. Lived in Grant Heights until they moved us to (?) for the last few months. Worked on KW-26 until I became TAMS clerk for last 6 months.

      1. Was stationed at Camp Drake from Feb. 1970 – July 1971. Lived with my wife in the Grant Height’s Housing. Worked?? (played penuckle) CRYPTO for USAF.

    2. JACK,
      Worked in 306X0 as well. Worked the MID Shift mostly from 1970 – 1973. Always wore our field jackets. Yes very enjoyable site to work at.
      Early on when passing by the Hospital it was kinda disturbing lots pain in that hospital.

    3. Hey Jack, thanks for the detailed description of what was going on inside the Little Pentagon. I was at Camp Drake in the 1967 Comm Sq from June 0f ’69 to December of ’71 working in the Tech Control room. I had a couple friends that worked crypto and occasionally my duty required me to enter the crypto area. Hence my TS security clearance. Tech Control got CRAZY when the tropo scatter radio started fading and we had to keep those lines of communication open! I loved being at Camp Drake and my time in Japan was one of the best times of my life!

  9. I just happened on this site tonight at work. I was stationed at South Camp Drake from 1961 to 1966 – some of the best times in my life!! I was an engineer with the Far East Network. We used facilities at North Camp Drake for chow, medical, NCO Club etc. Oh yes, I remember the Corner Bar – Toshiko was the manager/owner at the time. I had a couple of girl friends from there. Had a few others from some of the organizations also. I was engineer for our broadcast of Olympics in 1964 and as such got to go to many of the events along with Opening and Closing ceremonies – great memories. I had a Red 1966 Mustang GT and a small Boat that I took to some of the lakes and also took the river near Asaka down to Tokyo Bay. Had a Japanese friend that got me into many of the Membership Clubs in Tokyo and frequented the New Latin Quarter and the Mikado. Got to get back to work but will be back – I also want to look through all of the posts here to bring back more memories. People used to call me Dan back then.

  10. I was wounded and sent to the 249 in 1970 had great care there I think cant remember I was there at least eight ten weeks then sent to valley forge another great care hospital thanks Don

    1. I was a surgeon at 249th hospital from September 1969 until it closed 1971. I was a D3150, partially trained general surgeon. I was drafted after 2 yrs of surgey residency. Difficult times w terrible injuries. I had seen lots of trauma before, but nothing comparable
      Howard Zuckerman

  11. Paul,
    You worked in the Terminal Section. I was the Terminal NCOIC during that time. Have you had any more trouble with your upper arm? Have you ever heard from Tommy Lang?

  12. I worked at Csmp Drake from 1981 to 1983 we would ride a bus from Yokota Air Base. Only thing opened then was the Autodin switch & the Primary Tech Contol where I worked.

  13. Hi. I was stationed at Drake from 1966-68 Tech controller in Comm center 30750. Enjoyed reading all these wonderful memories from all your postings. Best 2 years I served

        1. I knew John G, AKA Burns Bannion business card for visit to Tokyo clubs.
          Think he did marry a Japanese lady.

          Ray Cannon
          N..Camp Drake Tech Control

    1. AA
      I think we met a couple of times. I was in Tech Control 1967-1969. I think you left shortly after I got there. Good times lots of memories. Hope all is well with you.

  14. Paul
    remember you and Bill, was there the same time, Talked to Bill and Shea not to long ago.Hope you are fine

      1. Sacred Bovine! It’s Tom Murray. How goes it Tom? Yuperoo! It was long ago.

        I live in Georgia. Married many years ago. Happy as pigs in mud.

        So how is Yoshi? I think that was your wife’s name.


  15. I was stationed at North Camp Drake from 1972 through 1974 in the 1967th Communications Squadron and worked in Tech Control. When I arrived onsite the base was very active, but by the time I left in 1974 things had started winding down, with many of the support facilities closed. I lived at Grant Heights and on the economy for the last year. I enjoyed my time there and would enjoy going back to see what it looks like now.

  16. Hi Everyone.

    I was stationed with the 500th INTC North Camp 1962-65. Remember it well. Would like to hear from others. Stay well all

    Dick Faucher

  17. @Tom Hawkins – Greetings from Dave Starkweather. When you left Japan, you were living in the following off-base apartment and you sold me the furniture etc that you were leaving behind and helped me communicate and rent the apartment from the landlord. Remember? Ha Ha! Can’t believe I remembered and recognized your name here!

    Aburiso Apts, Apt G, 10-38, 4 chome hizaori-cho, asaka city, saitama prefecture, Japan


  18. Just a shot in the dark but I was a British teacher in Tokyo from 1980 to 1990, and I met a Jane Trinkle who was very big on the international scene, being an English language teacher and writer for the Tokyo Weekender magazine. Sorry to waste your time but I was taking a trip down memory lane and followed a few internet leads and found this (unrelated)post. Thank you anyway for your time!

  19. Charlie Johnson At Camp Drake 4/71 until closure of the Unit in late 72 if i recall correctly. I worked in the S2 and MP. Then on to Okinawa for 1973, again in S2, then onto Augsburg Germany for 4 years, in Command Group as Headquarters Commandant for FS Augsburg. What a life!

  20. 1961-1964 we lived at Grant Heights and I attended DeMolay meetings at South Camp Drake sponsered by Moriama (sp) Lodge #7. Golf course was a great place to lay back and watch the stars. Good times back then.

  21. I was stationed with the 249th General Hospital from arrival in November 1965 to 1968. Was a personnel Sergeant/Medical Records Sergeant. Lived at Grant Heights.

    1. I was side tracked to HQ 249th in Nov 66 while on orders to Thailand in a Mag Group. They cut new orders in California and in 30 hours I arrived in the middle of a rainy night. I worked for Capt Blakemore and Col. Photenhour. In scanning thru posts about the 249th your name is the only one I recall. If you are the person I think you are I appreciate a reply. I worked in the Message Center and remember a new ZEROX coping machine in the personnel area where you were located. Am I anywhere near being correct with my memories? Thanks!

  22. I worked across the street at FEN, doing radio news 4 p.m. to midnight. Working next to a golf course and swimming pool was a wecomed change from Vietnam.
    Good memories. Crossed the street for movies, great food at the snack bar and club. Running battle with the Grant Heights officers wives over bringing our Japanese girlfriends to the pool. A little jealousy about the pretty natives in their bikinis.
    I remember watching Japanese high school kids paying Kendo after school and JSDF guys drilling fairly close to the golf course.
    There were some abandoned building close to FEN. I was told that area was a training school during WWII. There was also a large building, also adjoining the greens. I was told that it was some sort of headquarters during the Occupation.
    And I distincly remember that “running the Han” was one of our favorite passtimes.

    1. Jeff
      I was at FEN 4/72 to 4/73 and if you are who I remember you were an on air news guy at night while I was a master controller at night – it would be great to hear from you after all these years
      Peter Schult

  23. carl williams i was at camp drake from 1957 to 1958. a sp 4 army- had lots of time off. swam in pool and played basketball offen. worked night shiff from 5 pm to 8 am ten nights a month. could go to mess hall when ever i wanted. i guess i was luckey.

    1. We were there in 57 or thereabouts. I was a kid and had a blast but couldn’t tell you what my Dad, William (Billy) Hess did on base. I remember some warehouses were shut up then and we kids would ride bikes up the ramps and throw fire balls, which were real loud in the empty buildings, and ride like crazy when the MP’s would come. So long ago but such memories. Have enjoyed reading this blog!

  24. I was stationed at Drake (ASACUJ) from Jan 1971 to May of 1972. Was 31J TTY maint trick Chief on 3C, then went to days. Great place to be stationed, did a lot of dirt bike and road motorcycling, joined the motorcycle club there. Had a Honda 600 two seater sports car, wish i had it now! Had lots of friends in the AF, lived in the old hospital barracks which were pretty nice for Army standards. Thanks for the memories.

    1. It sounds like you knew a couple of the tech guys that I had some contact with! I can’t remember their names, but the tall one had a new Honda 750, and the smaller one had a Kawasaki 650! I love the sound of that 650! I know they did dirt riding as well! They were always working the midnight shift, and since I was 72 bravo, delta trick, I could only catch them when my shift matched their midnight shift!

  25. I was at camp Drake in 1969 medivacked out of SUNNY AN LOC SOUTH VIETNAM, THE FUN CAPITAL FOR US TEENAGERS???

  26. I was at camp Drake in 1969 medivacked out of SUNNY AN LOC SOUTH VIETNAM, THE FUN CAPITAL FOR US TEENAGERS???

  27. I was a medic at the eye clinic at the 249th general hospital from nov 66 to august 68. Loved Japan, even got engaged to a local girl. My besties were don gazan and terry keefer. Cant find hide nor hair of terry; not even on the old duty roster. don gazan passed away last year

  28. Looking for info on the Kanto Karters, had a small race track at Camp Drake and raced go-karts there. Also any info on Tokyo Sports Car Club and Sports Car Club of Japan appreciated. This was in the 1950’s and 1960’s. I was stationed in Tokyo, Yokohama and Camp Zama. Thanks for any info.

  29. As a high school (Narimasu) kid in ’61-63, my family used to go to the Drake “O” club for Sunday brumch every week after church. We lived at Grant Heights. What great memories

  30. While at the 1967 Comm Sq (Crypto) I made an 8mm camera with the purpose of making a short film and sending both to my parents (1970). My father converted it to a DVD at Costco. I tried to convert the video from Costco without success. The film did not have sound, so I used my iPhone to record it while it played and then used Camtasia to record some narration and edit the video. I then uploaded it to YouTube. I also put it on my personal website. Hope it brings back some memories.

    Terry Large

  31. I took an 8mm film that was converted to a Costco DVD and using Camtasia recorded narration to the mp4 file. I uploaded it to YouTube ( and also put the link on my personal website, Hope you enjoy it and that it brings back some memories. The video was taken in 1970 and I was a crypto tech for the 1967 Comm Sq from 1970 to 1972.

    1. Thanks Terry! Enjoyed your video! I was there at the same time ASA tape, ape! I didn’t get to my bunk, to sleep, till 3 AM! The next thing I knew, I was sweating profusely in my bed, and helicopters were swooping over head, and I panicked! I thought they had miss sent me to Vietnam, instead of Japan, and I got up and started yelling that they had sent me to the wrong place, and I was supposed to be in Japan, and not Vietnam! One of my roommates was sitting on his bed, and he was half snookered, and said “ this NUG thinks he’s in Vietnam!” I was humiliated, and spent the next two years working, and stumbling around Tokyo, raising hell, all night long!

  32. We were there in 57 or thereabouts. I was a kid and had a blast but couldn’t tell you what my Dad, William (Billy) Hess did on base. I remember some warehouses were shut up then and we kids would ride bikes up the ramps and throw fire balls, which were real loud in the empty buildings, and ride like crazy when the MP’s would come. So long ago but such memories. Have enjoyed reading this blog!

  33. Hey Terry – John Tunison here. It’s been a long time!! I’ve many fond memories of our time at Camp Drake! Sgts Kelly, Conner, Fraser, Bartell all great guys! David Storm, Eric Greaser, Tony Tadora, Brad Obama, Jim Dick, Buddy Flythe, Reggie Nachriener, Cliff Stewart, Joe Piazza. So many good times in our Crypto family. Lost track of everyone over the years. My best to you and yours!

  34. Hey Terry – John Tunison here. It’s been a long time!! I’ve many fond memories of our time at Camp Drake! Sgts Kelly, Conner, Fraser, Bartell all great guys! David Storm, Eric Greaser, Tony Tadora, Brad Obama, Jim Dick, Buddy Flythe, Reggie Nachriener, Cliff Stewart, Joe Piazza. So many good times in our Crypto family. Lost track of everyone over the years. My best to you and yours!

  35. Hey Terry – John Tunison here. It’s been a long time!! I’ve many fond memories of our time at Camp Drake! Sgts Kelly, Conner, Fraser, Bartell all great guys! David Storm, Eric Greaser, Tony Tadora, Brad Oyama, Jim Dick, Buddy Flythe, Reggie Nachriener, Cliff Stewart, Joe Piazza. So many good times in our Crypto family. Lost track of everyone over the years. My best to you and yours!

  36. Is there anyone that was in the communication center from 62- 64, or that went TDY to Camp Zama to play football in 63?

    What happened to the golf course in S. Camp Drake?

  37. I was stationed FEN South Camp Drake in late ’71 and ’72. I primarily covered sports for the network and was reporting ringside for the Ali-Foster fight at the Budokan in April of 1972. Great duty. Remarkable experiences. I have been back to Tokyo a number of times on business. I now wish I had visited the old sight Sad it is in such disrepair.

    Best to all.

  38. I was stationed there from 76 – 78. FEN
    No security, gates wide open. Kinda’ spooky working overnights. Lived right down the street in Asaka. First tour in Asia.
    Always wondered if they bulldozed all those buildings when FEN relocated to Yokota.

  39. My dad was Army and we lived at Camp Omiya. It was a great place for kids to roam around. My recollection is that there were Japanese soldiers on the other side of a chain link fence. They wanted to practice their English with us kids. This was 1957-8. My dad was Bill Robertson. He was in intelligence. Would love to hear from someone who knew him. We loved living in Japan.

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