Ruins of the USAF base Camp Drake in Japan

Mike GristHaikyo, Military Installations, Saitama 493 Comments

Camp Drake was a joint US Army/Air Force base in Saitama, active until the 1970`s. It contained a hospital which handled troops coming out of Vietnam and also a communications array. Now about half of it remains, an overgrown jungle with only a few remaining buildings set back behind several layers of fencing. The other half has been eaten up by parks and a junior high school.

Tanks in a shed by the commissary.

Camp Drake was one of my last haikyo to explore with Mike before he left for Canada last month. Compared to other US bases around Tokyo- those in Fuchu and Tachikawa, there wasn`t a lot to see, though of course we couldn`t know that until we ventured in. Access seemed harder than either of the other bases, but as ever there were weak spots. Once in though we had to climb one more fence, and actually crawl through a tiny hole cut into a third fence to get close to a building.

I don`t know why security was so tight, as there was very little to see. The main building remaining seems to have been a mess hall / commissary, and its now flooded, so we couldn`t explore inside. There were chairs and desks lying around in the jungle.

Mike got a bit bored/wary and decided to high-tail it, so I ventured forth and looked into one more building, kind of an industrial room- probably gas and/or hot water heaters. I know now there was another building deeper in with more industrial stuff, but we were on a schedule (headed for the Gan Kutsu cliff face hotel) so I didn`t take the time.

You can see more about Camp Drake on these sites-

About the 249th hospital.

About the barracks.

One man`s experience of it.

Guardpost after the second fence, before the third.

Guardhouse int.

Defunct moped.

Expired desk.

Do Not Enter – vault-like entrance to the mess hall / commissary.

Interior of what I think is commissary (because of COMM on the wall, yes- please correct me if wrong).

Some big troughs.


Lonely forest chair.

Back entrance.


Warehouse space.

Big forest flue.

Hole we crawled through.

Machine shed.

Tanks that remind me of Anakin`s racing pod.

Some HDR-ed engine.

Tanks BW.

See a curation of world ruins in the ruins gallery.

See my collection of Japanese ruins (haikyo) in the galleries:

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Comments 493

  1. The housing area close by was Grant Heights. Camp Drake had the AAFES Bakery that functioned well into the seventies. There was a commissary there at GH until it closed.

    1. Wow, what a flood of memories. I randomly discovered this article and saw your comment about Grant Heights and remembered living there when my Dad was stationed at Johnson AFB. We first lived off base at Momote Village until we got base housing at Grant Heights. I was ten when we first got to Japan and left five years later. We used to ride our bikes to some place near the base hospital, where the GI’s were recuperating, and raced our slot-cars along side them. We’d also watch the medevac planes and helicopters come in with more wounded men. I remember my mom helping out at the hospital, and she’d always bring one or two of the guys home for dinner during the holidays. We were too young to really know much about the war. We just knew we lived in Japan and these young guys were coming from somewhere not too far away.

      1. John Mattison, 1962-1964, data processing N. Camp Drake. Played football with US Army Ramblers at Camp Zama in 1964. Loved Camp Drake, and Japan.

  2. My Dad went to Camp Drake at one time. I take it that lots of the old places aren’t there anymore.

    21 Dec 1951
    Reported to Camp Stoneman

    14 Jan 1952
    Camp Stoneman to Sea USNS Meigs

    29 Jan 1952
    Arrived Yokohama to Camp Drake

    31 Jan 1952
    Camp Drake to Calcote

    16 Feb 1952
    Calcote to Johnson AFB

    23 Mar 1952
    Johnson AFB to Calcote

    24 Mar 1952
    Calcote to Kaitakai Firing Range

    6 April 1952
    Kaitakai Firing Range to Calcote

    18 April 1952
    Calcote to Camp Gifu

    3 May 1952
    Camp Gifu to Calcote

    5 May 1952
    Calcote to Johnson AFB

    6 May 1952
    Johnson AFB to Tackicown to Misawa Airbase

    30 May 1952
    Misawa to Tokyo to Eta Jima

    1 June 1952
    Reported to Eta Jima

    25-27 July 1952
    Eta Jima to Tokyo to Misawa Airbase

    12 May 1953
    Misawa Airbase to Drake

    13 May 1953
    Arrived at Drake

    19 May 1953
    Left Yokohama

    Places like Tackicown, Calcote, Camp Gifu, and Kaitakai Firing Range. Anyone know if these places exist? Also, the spelling may be wrong on some of the names.

    Thanks in advance,
    AJ Broussard

    1. My dad served at the 249th from March 1968 to November 1970. He was a medic and took care of a couple guys he took care of in Viet Nam. We lived in Green Park in Muchacino City. Green Park had been a Japanese air plane factory during the war, that was sold to the Air Force/Army and remodeled into apartments for the American military. Even had tunnels to Tokyo in the basement. They were chain fenced off, but you could see a little way into the darkness.

  3. Was stationed at north Camp Drake, lived at Grant Heights 1970, 71, and 72. Often remember the club and “leapin’ Leo”. Saw some first-rate entertainers there. Lots of cold beer too. worked at the USAF relay communications center with some great people.

  4. Hey Tom,

    It’s been a long time and I don’t know how I missed your response. I do remember you. I sent an email to your Comcast account but in case that is no longer valid I’m responding here. My email is Drop me a line

  5. Ken Buggs worked in the comm center ASA from 67 – 69 with a tdy stint to Viet Nam, the picture owith the 2 rusty doors on the steps was the entrance to the comm center , the hospital there was huge and choppers landed every day with wounded from Nam. OUr barrackes was just down the street from the nurses barracks (( enough said).

      1. Hello,

        My grandfather, Fred Arline, was stationed at Camp Drake from 1964-May 1966. Maybe you knew him?

  6. David, I remember you from ASA Camp Drake. I was there from 02/68 to 04/70. I remember the Corner Bar. One of the bar flies lived in my off base apartment for a while. I had a nice apartment in Yotsuya, not far from the Charcoal Inn. I’ve often considered going back to Tokyo for a visit. I too partied in Shinjuku and Roppungi. My Japanese language skills were pretty good, so I had more fun than I should have. Take care my friend.

  7. I worked for a summer at the aafes bakery on Camp Drake. Almost got sick of eating doughnuts. I am pretty sure it was the summer of 1971. Close by, there were warehouses full of BX goods. I lived at Grant Heights and went to Narimasu HS.

  8. I was in the 602 nd Army ambulance co. in 1969-1970.. I drove amb bus to most all the air bases and hospitals..
    all my camp drake photos got burned up but I have some of Sagami Depot Tokorozawa where I lived in 1969.
    do you remember that soul band made up of gi’s with Spaceman playing guitar?
    I really miss that little bar that was in the ally not far from Drake..

  9. Terry Hill –Valparaiso, In.
    From 1968 to 1970. Went home on leave and got married. Brought her back to Japan. Looking for Donald Lee Maxwell and Cora Elma Maxwell out od Stearns Ky. Lost contact.

  10. I served with Marine Hospital Liaison from 68 thru 70 both at the 249th and the 20th Casualty Staging Flight,,, I left at the end of 69 for my last year in the Marines, did a Med cruise before I was sent to civies.. I had a tough time dealing with the way patients that were able were returned to Nam for the reamainder of their tour… we played radar o’riely and would give them TAD assignments that kept them on duty as our labor and liberty team,, to work with patients who needed to Talk,, and the Marine Corps never caught on,, if a patient had seven months left of tour the orders were to return them to Okinawa for a return trip to Nam,, some of these Marines came thru the ubit more than once,,, if we could keep them past the seventh nmonth they had a chance of going state side,, while the Army sent their wounded home… There were so many good people working the wards and keeping us Sane,,,

  11. The picture which is believed to be the commissary, is actually the USAF Autodin Center (ASA). I was stationed there from December 1970 to August 1974. You can look at the posts on the floor and they were used to raise the floor so the cabling could be run underneath. I remember polishing those floor for 4 years. Worked for Tsgt Pierce, NCOIC Msgt Robert Craft and newly promoted SMsgt Bob Richardson.

    Ssgt Rick Kitchen (

    1. Aug 68 – Aug 70: Assigned to the USAF Autodin Center (ASA) while it was still under Philco-Ford control. This was my 2nd assignment after Vandenberg AFB (Inside-Plant Telephone Maintenance). Re-trained at Keesler Field & Fort Monmouth specifically for AUTODIN. Was not allowed to touch the system after I got to Drake. Spent many days behind the equipment with my feet dangling under the raised flooring as I stripped, hardwired, and hand tied cables for the new systems. And, I couldn’t work on the Base phone system because it was maintained by the local Japanese. A fairly easy gig after all the money that was spent to train me. Got a Letter of Commendation for “fixing” junior officers static-y desk phone. Was TDY to Tachikawa AFB for a couple of months where I assisted with troubleshooting cables for a flight line Comms Center. Again, not very busy or technical. Oh, well, had a great time in Japan and grateful for the opportunity. Climbed to the top of Mt Fuji and spent a week on my own in Nikko in the Fall. I was there for Expo 70, where I was befriended by a nice young Japanese girl. Later I spent 3 days as a guest in her parents home in a little fishing village on the Island of Kochi, the next largest island off the coast of Osaka, where she surprised me with a proposal. I had to break here heart – she wanted to come to the US but she didn’t want to leave Japan. Long since lost track of her. I think about her often; I really hope she got married, and had a wonderful life. As I said, extremely grateful for the opportunity and memories. I would be interested in connecting with anyone who was there when I was. The only name I remember is Eddie Young. I believe he settled in Washington state. I setteled in Southern California, my home before the service.

  12. I was stationed at 249th General Hospital, North Camp Drake, from Dec ’65 to Sep ,68. I was there from the conversion of warehousing into large open patient wards Saw the first patient arrive…we used baseball field as LZ and aimed headlights of several cars to light the field at night.

    Had several concurrent jobs: Registrar, Admissions and Disposition officer, Air Evac Coordination Officer, and CO of Medical Holding Company to which all patient were assigned or attached. Finished tour in late 1968 to enroll in University of Iowa Hospital/Healthcare Administration graduate Program.

    1. Why all dark. I was at 249th from likely 7 November 1966, to Pal;m Sunday weekend , ’67. Was gunshot wound, right arm, nerve damage; shattered right arm above elbow. I was with First Cavalry Division, 7th Cavalr7, with gunshot wound occurring on 3 Nov 66. I want to say that on about/7 November docs made major effort to save my right arm. I recall, maybe hallucinations, from lots of drugs later,that night of that surgery, a guy was beside me in the post op werd. I believe he had a terrible wound in chest or throat. He was suffering badly … I want to say he was choking on his own blood and it was a terrible ordeal. For him, it may have been his final hours. Some of us were barely able to deal with what had happened. I believe he died of complications. I was in no shape to ask his name, what unit, etc. I wonder what records might have been associated with someone like that. I wonder how he would’ ve been enuerated for stetistical purposes. I beiieve that knowing if he was listed as “died of wonds” would be one assist in trying to find his name; unit of record?? 249th or his home unit; how to find him on the wall.

    2. Glenn,

      I was an O-2 ANC in Psych at the 249th for about 8 months before my ETS in JUL 66. I remember the Ink Spots performing at the O-Club, stocking up on Asahi Pentax cameras at the PX and trips to Tokyo and Nikko. I still tell people how to back into a crowded subway car and have the doors close just in front of my face. More interestingly, I ended up at the University of Iowa health administration program from 70-72 and graduated into a 28 year career in administration in Pennsylvania. I stayed in the Reserves and retired in 1998. Memories, memories!

    3. I was at the top of the stairs as well when they brought the first patient in. Was there from the beginning when we group up at Fitzsimmons.

  13. I was with the 1967 Comm. Sqd. From 66 to 69. I use to date one of the bar girls (Nina) for short while until a civilian with more money came along.

    I was a Radio Relay Tech. (304X0).

  14. Richard Hettinger, Nov 66-Nov 68. 249th Hosp. Dental clinic. Worked in the auto craft shop evenings checking in and out tools for service men and one woman to work on their POVs.
    Some great people to work with and things to learn. I have found a few of them as years go by. One I found but just after he passed away. Don’t put off the search. Finding these photos will put me back on the hunt for some of the friends and mentors from that time.

    1. Richard, didn’t we live in the same building off base? Me and Kathy were there 1967-1970, I was AF.

      1. Wayne Johnson. I remember you as we both were Air Force working on teletype repair and overhaul. Weren’t you from Iowa.
        Jim Jones, early 1967–early 1979. I volunteered to extend past my 2 years in Japan when a manpower team found that we had two many people and several had to be transferred. Volunteers were to be first and if not enough volunteered then the first there would be first to go. I had been there just over two years of a two year tour so volunteered for Hickman AFB in Hawaii.

  15. Was stationed at South Camp Drake at FEN 72-73 – yea one of those guys- hope you enjoyed the shows- Jerry H. if you are out there Jan and I would love to hear from you or any of the DJ’s from 72-73

  16. Ken, worked in crypto 1967 Comm. 65 – 66. Was is the motorcycle club and went to the sumo dojo’s with a civilian Dan tam Lung. Also was a member of the trap and skeet club on the japanese air field south of Drake.
    Sent out of there to Homestead in sunny florida, 2 great tours… Rich Geminski

  17. I was stationed at the 249th General Hospital Eye Clinic from Nov 1966 to August 1968. My wife and I returned to the base in 2008, Sadly unrecogonizable; a veritable bamboo forest.

  18. Hi stationed in Camp drake 1959-1960 worked in the communication center would like to hear from someone that was there at that time friends that I was with was Larry Wares, Dino, bob Kahn

  19. My father’s fourth tour in Japan was a Camp Drake from 1966-69, where he was the Commander of the “spook” section of the 500th MIG. (LTC Frank W Trinkle). Mom (Jane Trinkle) was very active with the International Ladies Benevolent Society (ILBS) and served as President for a part of that tour. I was 10 years old at the beginning of that tour. We lived on Grant Heights, near the O’Club. Our next door neighbor (Clarence Moy) in the duplex worked in my father’s office and was the CIA liaison for his detachment. I used to hate going to church on Sundays because it was exactly one mile down the main drag (formerly a runway) at the 10MPH limit! Took forever! We used to go swimming at Momote Villiage, and I learned to play golf at Drake. I have strong memories of N & S Drake, as well as Momote. Until I went through these comments, I had completely forgotten about Mutsumi Dai, which had a gate attached to Grant Heights.
    Those of you that lived on Grant Heights in that era will remember the theatre (where I got my first kiss) and the Yakitori Stand in front of the BX. I remember there were always cartoons before the movies too!
    My stepbrother (Bruce Boatner) and I both went to St. Mary’s International School. (damn long bus rides every day!) My older sister (Stirling Boatner) went to Narimasu HS. I still remember the smoke snorting dragon from Narimasu that would be brought out for parades and homecoming football games!
    My sister Monique Trinkle went to Sacred Heart, and my sister Melanie went to Nishimachi…both Catholic Schools taught by nuns.
    If any of you were on the swim teams in that era, you’ll remember Harold Gelwicks, the coach, who used to make us swim in the early mornings in a damn cold pool, and “helped” us in by snapping his belt!
    I also remember the model car track at Momote. Lots of earthquakes rattled those old houses too!
    Gas was 11 cents a gallon on base. I also remember the Red and Blue bus lines that went to all the Kanto area bases. Drake, Momote, Grant Heights, Washington Heights (from a previous assignment before it was demolished for the 1964 Olympic Stadium), Green Park, Fuchu, Chofu, Tachikawa, Yokota, and Yamato.
    My dad retired in 1969, and returned to Tokyo in 1971 as the President of World Book Encyclopedia, Japan. (Field Enterprises International, Japan). I then went to high school at Yamato AFB and my younger sisters went to ASIJ. I don’t remember the name, but i remember that there was a go-cart place nearby that we used to go to regularly and ride for about 100yen per session. (I especially remember the fixed 360 yen to the dollar….those were the days…) I can’t remember if MPC was still in use on that tour or not, but I recently found about $80 worth in a box. Wish I could still exchange it! LOL!
    Years later, and after 11 years in the Army as a Warrant Officer (Attack Helicopter Pilot), I met my wife Jennifer, and talked her into going in the Air Force (14 years younger than me!). She is a critical care nurse. As a result, one of our tours has been BACK to Japan where she was stationed at Yokota as a Flight Nurse, and then to Okinawa when the entire squadron moved there. We had a great tour, because I speak Japanese fluently, so our travels were generally off the beaten track and we had a lot of fun. She has now been in for 23 years, and was promoted to Full Colonel last year. 7 more to go! At 61, I have never had a single day of my life that I didn’t have a military ID card of one color or another! Lots of good memories from that period.
    Cheers to all of that era! If you know me, or parents or siblings, I’d love to hear from you!

    1. Hi Frank

      Your sister Monique was my first crush. We lived near the Officers club at Grant Heights as well. The dragon was awesome. Church, not so much.

      Thomas McDonald

  20. Just one more thing. The title of this blog is USAF Base Camp Drake. That is a misnomer. Camp Drake was an ARMY base, not Air Force. Most of the facilities on the Camp were also Army or National Security organizations. Cheers!

    1. You are correct that Camp Drake was Army. However, when I was there, 77-79, I think only the Autodin Switching Center was still operational and it was controlled by USAF. It is interesting to note that my Autodin Switching Center training was at Fort Gordan, GA. We were not stationed at Camp Drake; we commuted there daily from Yokota AB. It was a decent assignment and made specially so because we were essentially over-man’d and had a lot of free time. I took advantage of that and explored much of the Kanto Plains area, especially Mt Fuji. Its been over 40 years and I still have my Mt Fuji climbing stick with all the stations marked on it.

  21. Rodney, I have started a Camp Tokorozawa Facebook group and am looking for any photos of the Camp that might be out there that can be posted. If you are on Facebook, please join us under US Army Camp Tokorozawa Japan Facebook group. If not and you have some photos we could post, please let me know.


    Ken Hoppe
    Camp Tokorozawa 1963-1973

    1. Yes it was. That was in South Camp Drake where there was a swimming pool and an old Japanese Defense Force barracks where several of Air Force guys who had transportation lived.

  22. I think the rec. site you are referring to is OWADA … I spent 2 years in Owada from 1959 to n0v. ’60 as a MOS 270 radio repair & op…. This camp was like a country club, as we had our own pool, px, theater & all the other comforts one could ask for…. I really liked this place… At the time I had a 1947 Buick Roadmaster which was like a tank… When we went downtown Tokyo those locals would give me both lanes, out of fear I’m sure… you all mentioned the Corner Bar, which was the main watering hole at the time… I can still see Mamasan, the owner trying to keep the peace w/ all the GI’s & bar Babes who’s hormones were rageing at the time… At this time there were about 6 or 8 bars on the strip. I have many good memories of my stay in Japan… I was trained in Monmouth, N.J. & sent to Korea for 3 months then was sent to Tokyo, what a blessing as I was in 1st Cav 13 sig. which was 3-4 mi. from the DMZ..a real hell hole … I would love to get in contact w/ my buddies Larry Long & Bob Daniels both from calif. at the time… I’ve tried locating these guys but to no avail….I spent 33 years working for Rockwell int’l & have been retired since 1994… currently living in Gold Canyon, Az ….
    would love to hear from anyone who was at Owada during this timeframe…..

  23. Stationed at Camp Drake in 79-80 as a tech controller, I was only 18 at the time. Other than the Autodin, crypto, mainframe and the generators, I don’t think anything else was operational. The names Stephen Mathew and Dan Roy certainly ring a bell . . . Dan Roy was super smart and a little crazy. Not sure if Stephen was the older crypto tech that used to buy cars and used an abandoned bay to work on them, and used wallpaper to do some kind silkscreen process to transfer the design to the paint. He took me in his wagon for a few 180’s on swing shift one time. Or Stephen might have been the young guy like me. I worked with some good Tech Sergeants at the time, don’t remember their names, but, way smarter than me, and they knew their stuff.
    Was friends with Piri Quiones?
    Young techs today can’t believe that modems back in the day were 2′ x 2′ and ran at 1200 baud or less. Of course, that equipment was from the 60’s, most of the other stuff ran at 2400 I think, and the teletype circuits ran at 75? The site got an upgrade in 80 from the Ford Aerospace division. I think our fastest circuits were 4800 and maybe a 9600 before I left.
    As mentioned previously, we were housed at Yokota and rode an old bus for an hour each way. I believe I counted 99 lighted intersections on the commute from Yokota to Camp Drake. Near the end of my tour after a swing shift, one of my coworkers and I ran every red light except one . . . Did I mention 18-19 years old and stupid?
    I also remember the guy on the moped delivering food, a few small tremors, a few demonstrations against foreign military occupation at the front gate, dialing 20 digit numbers to reach tech controls in other countries (On a rotary dial phone!) And weird work schedules that rotated thru all 3 shifts. One hardly knew what day it was at times.
    Thanks to the people who wrote about the 60’s and early 70’s. I really had no idea that Camp Drake served such a vital role back in wartime. Wish I could have seen it back in its heyday.

    1. Chad! OMG it’s”Charlie Mike”; Remember Lenny Jay and Gary?! Motorcycles?! Yes, Steve Mathews WAS the crypto guy. Holy Cow, how ARE you?!

    2. Hi, my name is Tom Hawkins and I was stationed at North Camp Drake from March 1972 through June 1974. I also worked in Tech Control. Camp Drake was a wonderful assignment, easily my favorite duty station while in the Air Force. The hospital had been deactivated by the time I arrived and the atmosphere was lazy and laid back. I lived in an apartment in Asaka out the back gate and to the left. By the time I left in 1974 the base had started closing. I stayed in touch with some of my friends and they had no PX, Chow Hall, or Dispensary. Although they lived in the barracks and worked on base, they had to travel to Yokota for virtually all other services. It’s sad to see all of the pictures above knowing that was my home for over 2 years.

  24. Was stationed at Camp Drake 1971 -1973 USAF (1967th COMM SQ), worked in the Autodin SW CNTR, Cyrpto.
    Was my first duty station out of Tech School. Love it and the country. Lots of great memories, awww yes the Corner Bar. The Red line in to ToKyo. Went to the Bob Hope Christmas Show, instead of going to take test for E5. Lots good memory’s.

  25. I was with the 249th from the time we gathered at Fitzsimmons. I worked in ENT clinic with David Brew and Dr. William Crawford. Later, I worked at the Neurosurgery/Dental ward. One of the men in our unit wrote a book, including pictures, called “Barracks Buddies Of The 249th General Hospital. His name is Harland Eastwood. I played on all the company and post level fast-pitch softball teams while there. I have recently made contact with Dean Berry, Robert Fleming, Ralph Knapp, and Kevin Baldwin. I have also found that I have a copy of possibly the first EM roster that the 249th put out. All the old-timers are listed. My cell number is 580-704-4802.

    1. Hi Rudy, hope all is well; on this rainy day I had time to kill and I found this website that posts fellow members of the 249th and there you were! My old NCO and you even mentioned my name; hope those memories are positive. You and I set up the eye clinic in the old barracks in 1966 or 67; I recall however a story that you volunteered for Vietnam and were killed in combat; so imagine my surprise to see your name and that you were fine. As for me, I went back to college after getting out in 8/68, went to Optometry School and became a doctor; met my wife there, also an OD; we retired from Lenscrafters in 2015, live in Burlingame CA and enjoy travelling the world; no kids. As I recall you too are a Californian.

      1. Well, sounds like you have done well for yourself. Great. Dr. Crawford and I spoke a few months ago and he asked about you. Met up with a few guys from the 249th last year and we had a small reunion. My cell number is 580-704-4802.

    2. Rudy; I knew Ralph knapp from the Barracks; if you have a copy of that em list please e-mail it to me at….george Richardson; I lived in rm 10 with Gordon Peck and Terry Cowan in bldg. 862. was ther from June 68-Jan 70

  26. Ken, I was there1965-66 in crypto center. Was in the motorcycle club and shot at the trap and skeet club on the japanese airfield a couple miles out the from gate. Went to the sumo matches and dojos with Dan Tam Lung a civilian

  27. Bill Durkin
    I was stationed at Camp Drake from about April 1059 until May `960 after being transfereed from Korea. At that time it housed soldiers that staffed the ACAN Communications Facility just a mile or two down the road. I believe the town was called tAsakamachi. Its main street was line with bars that primarily catered to US Military. Some bars I remver were The Sand Bar, The U S Bar. Some good friends I remeber were Daryl Larson, Ken? Berkel, Jack Damman. Woul Love to hear from them but might be expecting too much after 60 years. band r


  28. I was stationed at North Camp Drake from Dec 1974 until August 1977. I worked at the Autodin Switching Center (ASC). Great duty. Lived at Tachikawa. The little town of Asaka was great. Women were pretty and friendly. I remember one — her name was Aki Yamashita. She was a great lady and loved sex. WOW….I miss those days.

  29. I was stationed at North Camp Drake from Dec 1974 until August 1977. I worked at the Autodin Switching Center (ASC). Great duty. Lived at Tachikawa. The little town of Asaka was great. Women were pretty and friendly. I remember one — her name was Akiko (Aki) Yamashita. She was a great lady and loved to do it. WOW….I miss those days.

  30. I was stationed at Camp Drake from spring of 68 to 71. I ran the post office on post and also ran the movie theater. I really enjoyed my 3 years there.
    Remember so many soldiers come there from Viet Nam.
    They really liked the movies.

  31. My Uncle Benjamin Ancog was in the army. I believe was stationed in Japan around 1951. I’m his niece and he has passed in1985 in Hawaii. I just took a chance to search Camp Drake as I remember that name. I was probably 7 years old then. I remember very little. I viewed some of the pictures. I remember traveling thru rice fields to go to school, it was a mixed class of different ages.
    Im older now and just trying to connect dots in my life.
    I’m 73 and theres no-one to ask them questions.
    Just really curious.
    Thank you.

  32. 249th Gen Hosp. APO 96267 USARJ Was an Army Medical Specialist of the 7th Inf. div Spent my last 7th mo. of my tour there. 52 years ago ! Wow ! All patients from Vietnam. My DD 214 doesn’t even show me as having Vietnam service – Why ?? Direct support in my estimation ! I’ve been trying to achieve some benifits from the Gov. for some medical issues – to no avail !

  33. I was at camp drake from december 1966 to april 1967,i was with the 9th air cav in nam.I was shot in my right shoulder had to wear a cast from my waist all the way up and all the way down my right arm for almost 3 month. I made severial friends who i have long forgotten,only one comes to mine Phillip j Mann from littlerock ark.We spoke a couple time once back in the sts then lost touch.If anyone knows him i sure would like to know.My name Ron Baynard,email

    1. I was with Delta trick! I know Charlie trick was pretty notorious for it’s “Raves”, but I think we were just as wild!

  34. If anyone has any knowledge of a Raymond J. Smith and his wife Ida Smith at Camp Drake in 1952 and beyond, I’d love to talk to you! They were my grandparents – now both deceased – and I am trying to piece information together. In addition, looking for information about a baby boy potentially born at the 249th hospital there December 10th, 1951.

  35. I would like to know if anyone remembers my father, Dr. Gary Nemhauser, who was stationed at Camp Drake from 1968-1970 in the U.S. Army. He also flew on rescue missions back and forth to Vietnam to bring back wounded soldiers to the Camp Drake Hospital. These flights were tdy assignments. Any information that you can recall would be most appreciated.

    1. Michael, I was there from Jan 1967 to early 1969. I was also 36350, teletype and crypto repair and maintenance. Extended past the two year tour and shortly after a manpower team said that we had too many on staff. Volunteers were to be first but after that the first to come would be first to leave. I volunteered and went to Hickham AFB, Hawaii

  36. Was at camp Drake 67-69 249th gen hosp our barracks was across the street from the LZ Guys remembered G.Cannon from S.F,cal , SGT Berry , Ernie Jackson , Ernie I still have the king Edward cigar box when your son was born

  37. My wife and I were there from 1967 to 1970. She was secretary to Lt Rouse while Colonel Kittrel was the AF base commander. I remember the AUTODIN being built while I was there. Not being a lifer, we lived off base just outside of Grant Heights. Remember lots of trips down to the beach in Chiba prefecture. Weaver, Perry, Harrington among many other worked with me in the radio section just outside of tech control. Sgt Hewlett and Sgt Knox were my direct bosses, both great guys.

  38. Hardy, not sure if you remember me but you were supposed to be my trainer in microwave but when I got there I was assigned down the way in relay just outside Tech Control. Msgt Hewlett was my boss I was there 70-mid 72.

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