Exploring an Abandoned Japanese Castle-Shrine

Mike GristChurches / Shrines, Haikyo, Military Installations, Saitama 10 Comments

Japan is riddled with shrines, both in cities and out in the countryside, huddled in the basin of wintry valleys or perched precariously on top of mountains- often at points of raw natural beauty and power. From time to time though these wooden complexes go bankrupt. The monks pack up and move out like franchisees out of rent money. They didn’t sell enough blessings from the shrine blessings shop, didn’t garner enough inheritance tithes, didn’t bury enough people in the graveyard plots they rent out. They move out and the wooden structure is left to fend for itself against the forces of nature it was set up to commemorate.

I’ve seen an abandoned shrine before, but never an abandoned shrine-castle, so set out into the backwoods of Saitama prefecture filled with anticipation.

Model shrine and water pump offertory.

I went to this mountain-top castle-shrine solo, after numerous false starts by train. It was a grey and overcast day, occasionally splashing rain, probably the coldest of the year so far. I didn’t know what to expect of the ruin, only what I had seen from the air via Googlemaps- it was surrounded by forest, set off the road, with only a long winding path leading up to it. I didn’t know for sure that it was built on a hill, but its name- yamajo (mountain castle), gave it away.

Japanese castle are typically built out of wood, several levels high with ornate carvings and heavy ceramic tiling. I’ve been in numerous tourist castles before, rebuilt and filled with historic goods so they could double as museums. Matsumoto-jo in Nagano springs to mind.

40 minutes walk from the train station and I reached the fenced and sand-bagged gate to an overgrown road. The gate was a metal arch that somewhat resembled a ‘torii’, the red-wooden gates to be found at Japanese shrines. I hurdled the low fence and headed on up to a semi-cleared area, perhaps once a car-park but now covered in whatever low scrub could take root in the asphalt. I followed myself on the GPS on my i-phone, a very convenient tool for exploring. There was a large red-roofed building to my left and I checked it out. Empty, though a few stands of rubber tires and wooden boxes stood in the warehouse-like interior. Underfoot lots of white ceramic beads rolled, and I assumed local kids came out here to practise shooting their BB guns. I didn’t bother taking any photos because there was nothing much to see.

A cracked old lamp-post marked the corner where I could continue up. The path grew narrower and more overgrown, and I regularly had to duck under the thick strands of spiderwebs, occasionally walking full on into them and needing to extricate myself carefully. I passed a few outbuildings, hoping to catch a glimpse of the castle-shrine, but the trees were too thick and tall.Perched at the top, across a bridge, I reached it. It was small, only two levels, white-faced, with barred windows and a heavy ceramic roof, fallen down in places. It looked like a miniature castle.

Fat spider.

I went inside. The floor was rotten through in places. Before me were two odd items, already posed in the dim light; something that looked like a machine for spinning yarn and another that seemed to be for pumping water, splashed only with a few token offertory coins. There were also some chests of drawers.

Odd, arranged.

Water pump offertory.

Coins in the box.

Spinning wheel and chest of drawers.

Next to a hole.

From across the room.

Chest and spinner.

On the second floor was nothing, frazzled tatami mats and a mostly blocked view of the slope back down, to the town. I made some efforts to get up onto the roof, but it was a losing battle.

Empty but for a few mats stacked to the side.

All the windows barred.

Roof collapsed.

Outside again I climbed a precariously leaning tree to try to get an exterior shot of the whole structure. It was impossible though, as the trees grew right up next to its walls.

Ext, grey dusk.

Feeble tree shot.

Back down at the tourist center/shooting range I climbed up onto the red roof and enjoyed the view, red metal and mountains.It wasn’t all the exploring I’d hoped for, there were no samurai weapons on the walls or photographs of Shaolin-soccer style feats, but I got to climb a tree, onto a roof, and wandered along a sand-bagged path. I guess that’ll have to do.

Aerial on red roof.

Strange water feature in front of tourist center.

Tourist center, red roof.

Tenjin Castle Shrine from Michael John Grist on Vimeo.

Heading back to the train station, I ran for about 20 minutes to catch my train.

Comments 10

  1. Was hoping to see a shot of the castle from the outside, impossible to get because of overgrowth?

    So you’ve decided not to use HDR anymore? Any reasons for this?

    Were those coins actually left there, or did you use your own as a prop? Hard to believe money would be left sitting at a haikyo, even if it was semi sacred.

  2. Post

    Jason- Yeah it wasn’t bad, fun to seek out, but little inside of interest. I wish I could’ve got a proper exterior shot but it was impossible.

    Can- Yeah, a shot from outside was key, but impossible. It’s on the highest point of the hill, and completely surrounded by trees.

    HDR, just wasn’t feeling it for this post. little that would have benefited from it, I think. Nothing so gorgeous to shoot, and little contrast as pretty grey everywhere.

    Money in the water-pump thing, yeah that was there, wouldn’t have occured to me to put money on it myself. Was only a few yen anyway.

  3. Interesting haikyo. Although not a lot of things to see, at the same time, it was oddly interesting to see some of those items like the pump and the spinning wheel. Strange.

  4. I agree with Tornadoes28. This is not typical of your haikyo subjects, but that’s part of its charm. It feels very off-the-beaten-path, like you are one of the few (or the first?) haikyoist to find this place. Other haikyo, while visually more interesting, appear to get so much regular haikyoist traffic that they hardly seem abandonned.

    Concerning the new blog styling, personally I liked the previous iteration better because of the “clean” interface and the viewer-settable color schemes.

    Also, there is a bug somewhere as clicking on entries in the comments list opens the correct article page, but positions the browser at the top of the page instead of the selected comment as expected. I looked at the HTML source and there’s no tag with an ID attribute corresponding to the “#…” part of the link.

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    SY – Changed it cos the previous design showed very little of what my site was about. This one has a lot more stuff you can see without needing to click something. I think casual web-explorers don’t like to click.

    Tornadoes- It definitely felt more like an exploration than some of the recent haikyo did. Recent ones I was going for the shots, because I basically knew what to expect. Mines are mines, hotels are hotels. But a shrine/castle? I didn’t know what to expect.

    David- Appreicate the feedback as ever. I think you summed it up when you said- ‘it’s an easy way to navigate for your existing readers’. New readers who come to it will just be faced with kind of a blank wall though, I think, and not tempted to stay. Hopefully the design now, a familiar and friendly magazine kind of style, will make them more comfortable to stay and offer them more to be intrigued by.

    The comments problem is probably because I changed the way comments are served. Before I had a separate plug-in to handle it, but after hearing lots of reports that the site was too slow, removed its script and am now just using the basic comments widget that is integral to WordPress.

  6. Point taken on friendliness for new users, though I will miss the “blank wall” interface. Was that a publicly available WordPress theme, or something of your own creation?

  7. Post

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