The High-Heeled Guide to Enlightenment

Mike GristBook / Movie Reviews 6 Comments

high-heeled guide to enlightenment 2My sister has written a book, and now it has been released.

The title is ‘The High-Heeled Guide to Enlightenment’, and it’s a wide-ranging guide to spirituality for modern women. I haven’t read it yet (am waiting on my signed copy to arrive) but I know she put at least a year of active spiritual experimentation (reiki, sweat lodges, tarot, meditation, etc..) into a blender along with her life experience as both a modern woman and daughter of a wiccan high priest, and came up with something unique and truly fascinating. I can’t wait to read it, and am enormously proud of her accomplishment. To be awesome readers of this site- go buy a copy right now, and a few extra copies as gifts.

If that doesn’t work, go here.

Reviews from spiritual experts who have read it after the jump:

The High Heeled Guide to Enlightenment is a must-have for every modern gal who wants to learn how to ‘walk the path’ with style, balance and grace. Alice Grist will show you how… with shed-loads of humour and heart.

Karen Sawyer, author of ‘Soul Companions’ and ‘The Dangerous Man’.

Reading this book [or THHGTE] is like embarking on a journey with a close friend you haven’t seen for years: a breathless, compelling ride catching up on all aspects of love, work and the meaning of life. With Alice, we journey through the various Wonderlands of New Age philosophies, and not only do we learn about our tour guide, but we are also gently persuaded to go further: to peer through the looking glass and examine our own beliefs and ideas on some the life’s big mysteries.

Frank Clifford Author Palmist/Astrologer and London School of Astrology

“As a ballet flats kind of gal, I approached this book with more trepidation over the shoe wear than the spirituality.  But regardless of your footwear inclinations, Alice puts us all at ease, talking us through the mysteries of the universe as though she she was talking us through a particularly entertaining saturday night.  It’s funny, fascinating and inspirational; to the point that I actually began to quote sections to my friends!  I feel spiritually richer from the experience so I guess, on a deeper level, I am well heeled afterall.  Thanks Alice”

Heather Abela Award Winning Writer & Director TV and Film

Find much more info on Alice’s site here.

Comments 6

  1. Hey Mikey, thanks so much, your copy is sat here, but due to copious amounts of decorating I will have to post it tomorrow. But post it I will!. I will link your blog to my site so we can get some cross town traffic. xx

    Thanks SY! Hope you are well and Mike is doing his fair share of the housework!!!

  2. I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  3. Pingback: Kindred Spirit Interview- The Spirituality of Ruins | michael john grist

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