Izu’s Shirahama Beach

Mike GristGuides, Japan 2 Comments

shimoda shirahama beach hole1Going to Izu and digging holes on the beach is now a firm tradition with me. It started two years ago, when a motley group of frisbee friends and I packed up our rental cars and went to dig and surf and camp on the beach. The second year was a smaller group but we did basically the same things. This year I went without the group (with SY), didn’t camp on the beach, but made certain to get down to Shimoda to dig a big hole.

Perhaps you’d like to see a few other holes I’ve dug?

March 08 Shimoda

August 08 Kugenuma Beach

Hmm, before last year I guess I wasn’t keeping records.

The next hole I dig will be less of a hole and more of a castle, I think. I’ll dig a big moat, then see how high I can raise the mound within it. One problem of hole-digging is when you hit water, you can’t really dig any deeper. The only limit to the size of a mound though is the base radius. I’m excited to see what I can come up with!

shimoda shirahama beach hole2

Bend your back to the effort, my son!

shimoda shirahama beach hole3

Of course SY got involved.


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