I skipped a week! Let’s consider the post about why I’m not a millionnaire yet the week 4 update (even though it’s not titled as such).
Buoyed by the self-revelations that post brought on, I’ve gone ahead and taken another stab at Facebook ads. Almost certainly this will be an ill-fated effort ending with me stuffing more dollar bills down Zuckerburg’s hoodie-front, for paltry returns, but what they hey. It’s a laugh, amirite?
Facebook Ads
Here are my new ads. The copy for these kind of wrote itself. It’s calm, but clear. It gives potential readers everything they need, and throws some of that delicious narrative urgency their way, rather than trying to wow with world-building ‘interest’ factors.

Actually you can’t see the book description in this, so here it is:
Amo’s a horror comic book artist recovering from a near-lethal aneurysm – taking his first steps back into the world, asking the beautiful barista in his coffee shop for a date – then the whole world dies. Zombies throng the streets, and now Amo’s got a job to do – save the girl, and hope that she will save him too…

All Sen’s young life he’s been hunted – by the pitiless King and his nightmare monsters, by the scars of fate and a gnashing black mouth in the sky – and he’s had enough. Now it’s his turn to hunt, and bring his enemies down…
I haven’t pushed The Last series for ages. It’s worth it every now and then, to see if I can generate a little traction. With 9 books in the series, every reader in at book 1 has a great chance to make fat stacks (of cash) if they read all the way through.
I’m over halfway through editing God of Ruin. I expect comments from my beta read/developmental editor on Mr. Ruin in a week – excited for that. Comments from the thriller book 1 editor come Feb 22. Hope these prove to be a good use of money.
Monday coming is First Monday Crime, and Tuesday is my marketing group – they’re going to rip into the Mr. Ruin new blurb and cover – should be fun 😉 How many SF/cyberpunk readers in that group? I hope at least one!! Feedback from non-genre readers is a bit empty, maybe…